Dear Sir

Dear Bette,

I know we had talked about coming to Michigan over spring break but now we’ll have to send our love instead..Not to worry though – it seems we have lots and lots of love to spare these days. It spills out of the cracks of the care packages, the casseroles, the cards and the phone calls…..Who would have thought that cancer could be such a love magnet.  Oh to be well and hated. You must think me terribly ungrateful, but truly I’m not.  Not really.

I have to tell you that I’m struggling more than a little bit with prayer. Remember last year when you told me about your Grandmother and how she would sit with you each night for evening prayers?….and how you would kneel each night by your bed and start each prayer with “Dear Sir”?….Well I try Bett….really I do. But all that comes out most nights is “Dear Sir, What the fuck are you thinking?”  I guess right now you’ll have to pray hard enough for both of us.  The kids all send their love….especially Noah.

xxoo – Cathy